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JOric v1.0.9
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 05:24 (40 Reads)
Topic Diverse Systeme
JOric ist ein Oric Emulator der u.a. im Browser läuft.
JOric is an Oric emulator written in Java, using the libGDX cross-platform development framework, targeting primarily HTML5 and the web:
The UI of JOric has been designed primarily with mobile devices in mind, so give it a try on your Android phone!
- Added automatic overwritting of version.txt with tag during release build.
GroovyMAME 0.274 - Switchres 2.21d
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 05:17 (39 Reads)
Topic Arcade
Das MAME Derivat GroovyMAME wurde für Windows und Linux aktualisiert. GroovyMAME enthält spezielle Features für CRT Monitore.
- GroovyMAME is a M.A.M.E. fork aimed at CRT monitors, with a strong focus on CRT preservation, since this is the only display technology that accurately replicates the genuine video game experience. However you can use GroovyMAME to alleviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.
- Switchres 2.0 is a modeline generation engine for emulation. The Switchres project has become an independent library, and with it, GroovyMAME has been reworked, to hopefully achieve a cleaner and more robust integration.
Altirra v4.40 Test 6
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 05:13 (42 Reads)
Topic Atari 8-bit

Eine neue Testversion des 8-bit Atari Computer Emulators Altirra ist erschienen. Altirra emuliert Atari 400, 800 OS- A/OS-B, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, XEGS, A5200 und 130XE.
Altirra ist Open-Source in C++ von Avery Lee.
- Test 6
- PerfAnalyzer: Fixed incorrect CPU history after saving trace.
- PerfAnalyzer: Fixed scrolling artifacts on frame lines.
- PerfAnalyzer: Right-drag is now supported.
- PerfAnalyzer: Fixed lockup when pressing Tab.
- PerfAnalyzer: Added native tracing support.
- Devices: Fixed Rapidus write-through conflicts on ROM and extended memory.
- Disk Explorer: Fixed dragging out of subfolders from a MyDOS disk producing a bogus file.
- Test 5
- Reduced aliasing on screen masks by switching to a softer antialiasing filter.
- Fixed blending startup crash with extended PAL height displays.
- Fixed artifacts around edges when scrolling 1020 plotter views.
- Fixed canceling some load progress dialogs giving a blank error dialog.
- Fixed a crash in raw tape loading code if decoding errors occurred.
- Fixed dot/slot masks occasionally displaying as vertical stripes in Direct3D 9 mode.
- Fixed dark display in Direct3D 11 mode with screen mask enabled, PAL artifacting on, blending off or interlace on, and color correction disabled.
zxian v23
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 05:10 (43 Reads)
Topic Spectrum
Eine neue Version des ZX-Spectrum Emulators für Windows: zxian wurde veröffentlicht (Open Source / C von Sebastian Mihai).
- v23 - fixed a border rendering bug after fast tape loading finishes. Fixed a TAP loading bug concerning custom-length header blocks. This fixes games such as Lemmings
Altirra v4.31
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 05:06 (42 Reads)
Topic Atari 8-bit

Eine neue Version des 8-bit Atari Computer Emulators Altirra ist erschienen. Altirra emuliert Atari 400, 800 OS- A/OS-B, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, XEGS, A5200 und 130XE. Altirra ist Open-Source in C++ von Avery Lee.
- Cassette: Fixed a crash if decoding errors occurred while loading a raw tape.
- Devices: Fixed a crash when adding a device with certain nodes selected.
- Display: Fixed D3D9 gamma correction bugs in specific display configurations with bloom enabled.
- Display: Fixed crash when enabling frame blending at extended PAL height and artifacting enabled.
- Display: Fixed regression in NTSC high artifacting on ARM64 only.
- Input: Fixed console controller inputs being blocked in full-screen mode.
- Printer: Fixed rendering artifacts at edges when scrolling 1020 plotter output at high zoom.
- Printer: Fixed a crash when zooming in on 1020 plotter output on ARM64 only.
- UI: Fixed some cases of empty error dialogs when long operations are cancelled.
Aira Force 0.9.0
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 02:04 (60 Reads)
Topic Commodore Amiga
Aira Force ist ein Amiga Emulator / Debugger für Windows, macOS und Linux.
At long last I am proud to present Aira Force 0.9.0. This is a big release for me, because it features a working Amiga 500 emulator. It is available to download now for Windows (64 and 32 bit), Mac, Linux (64-bit), and Raspberry Pi.
I hope it will be useful for disassembling software live. I often code while on a breakpoint, because the debugger provides so much more context to help improve the code. The same should be true for disassembling.
Amiberry v7.0.4
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 02:02 (50 Reads)
Topic Commodore Amiga
Amiberry ist ein Amiga Emulator für den Raspberry Pi, andere ARM-basierte boards, Linux und macOS.
- Bugfixes
- fix macOS intel crashes in some cases (fixes #1555)
- Refactors
Retrom v0.7.8
Posted by retroK on Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 02:00 (41 Reads)
Topic Frontends
Retrom ist ein Frontend für verschiedene Emulatoren sowie PC Spiele im Allgemeinen (Open Source / Rust von John Beresford).
Amiberry-Lite v5.8.5
Posted by retroK on Saturday, February 08, 2025 - 05:16 (53 Reads)
Topic Commodore Amiga
Amiberry-Lite ist ein Amiga Emulator für Linux bzw für Raspberry Pi bis 4 (Port von WinUAE 4.4.0).
- fixed cxxflags and ldflags (fixes #13)
- ROMs panel would not refresh properly
Amiberry v7.0.3
Posted by retroK on Saturday, February 08, 2025 - 05:15 (49 Reads)
Topic Commodore Amiga
Amiberry ist ein Amiga Emulator für den Raspberry Pi, andere ARM-basierte boards, Linux und macOS.
- New Features
- Matrox PCI card emulation. Misc 86box merges.
- Bugfixes
- fixed crash after tablet placeholder code in previous commit
- Comment out more tablet stuff
- fix _sntprintf sizeof references
- ROM list would not get updated on refresh
- Improvements
- add placeholders for future tablet support (#1622)
- Added Action Replay 3.17 odd/even checksums.
- P96 Allow zero BytesPerRow.
- Fix genlock + LDP OSD generator text position.
- When caching next CD sectors, don't seek backwards and release semaphore during read.
DS81 1.3a
Posted by retroK on Saturday, February 08, 2025 - 02:15 (68 Reads)
Topic Diverse Systeme
Adrian Siekierka hat eine Weiterentwicklung des ZX81 Emulators DS81 für den Nintendo DS veröffentlicht (Open-Source / C).
- Built with BlocksDS for improved stability and native DSi support.
- Added argv support for snapshot files.
- Replaced the ZX81 ROM with the GPL-licensed Open81 ROM. It is the same file, but under a different license.
- Removed the built-in tapes for now.
Pico MZ-80K/A 2.0.0
Posted by retroK on Saturday, February 08, 2025 - 02:05 (62 Reads)
Topic Diverse Systeme
Pico MZ-80K/A ist ein Sharp MZ-80K & MZ-80A Emulator für den Raspberry Pico / Pico 2 (Open-Source von Tim Holyoake in C).
- MZ-80A code added into emulator by @psychotimmy in #56
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