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Titel: Remakes_VMs: VirtualBox v2.2.4  BeitragVerfasst am: 30.05.2009, 08:30 Uhr
News Scout

Anmeldungsdatum: 25. Jun 2005
Beiträge: 4.562

Wohnort: Berlin
Status: Offline

VirtualBox ist ein Open Source x86 Emulator für Windows, Linux, Solaris und Mac OS X.

"VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)." Quoted from the homepage.


VirtualBox 2.2.4 (released 2009-05-29)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* Windows Installer: fixed a potential hang during installation
* Windows Installer: fixed several problems (bug #3892)
* Solaris hosts: make it work with Solaris build 114 or later (bug #3981)
* Solaris hosts: fixed a bug serial port character handling found during loopback (bug #3120)
* Linux hosts: adapted vboxdrv.sh to the latest changes in VBoxManage list runningvms (bug #4034)
* Windows hosts: fixed a crash caused by host-only/bridged networking
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed access to host DVD with passthrough disabled (bug #4077)
* Guest Additions: fixed problems with KDE 4 not recognizing mouse clicks
* Windows Additions: fixed incorrect 8-bit guest color depth in Windows 7 guests
* GUI: warn if VT-x/AMD-V could not be enabled for guests that require this setting (bug #4055)
* VMM: fixed occassional crash due to insuffient memory
* VMM: fixed hanging 64 bits Solaris guests
* VMM: restore from a saved state occassionally failed (bugs #3984 and #2742)
* Clipboard: fixed a deadlock while shutting down the shared clipboard on X11 hosts (bug #4020)
* OVF: fixed potential hang during import
* OVF: fixed potential crashes during import/export on Win64 hosts
* VBoxManage modifyhd --compact: fixed bug which could lead to crashes and image corruption (bug #3864)
* VBoxManage metrics collect: now flushes the output stream.
* VHD: made VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid work for .vhd files (bug #3443)
* VHD: some .vhd files could not be cloned (bug #4080)
* VMDK: fixed creating snapshots
* NAT: improvement of TCP connection establisment (bug #2987)
* NAT: fixed order of DNS servers in DHCP lease (bug #4091)
* NAT: fixed DHCP lease for multiple name servers (bug #3692)
* NAT: fixed a potential segfault if the host lost its connectivity (bug #3964)
* Shared Folders: deny access to parent directories on Windows hosts (bug #4090)
* Shared Folders: make rm/rmdir work with Solaris guests on Windows hosts
* Networking: fixed the problem with blocked receiving thread when a broadcast packet arrives too early to be handled by uninitialized e1000 adapter.
* Networking: fixed the problem that caused host freezes/crashes when using bridged mode with host’s interface having RX checksum offloading on (bug #3926 and related). Fixes problems with TX offloading as well (bug #3870)
* PXE boot: Added support for PRO/1000 MT Server adapter.
* Python bindings: fixed keyword conflict
* SCSI: fixed occasional crashes on Win64
* Serial: allow to redirect the serial port to a raw file (bug #1023)
* VRDP: fixed a rare incorrect screen update

Related links:
[ Weitere Remakes und VMs ]
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