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Post subject: Remakes_VMs: Doom64 EX v1.4  PostPosted: Aug 24, 2009 - 04:18 PM
News Scout

Joined: Jun 25, 2005
Posts: 4.562

Location: Berlin
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Doom64 EX ist ein Klon des Nintendo64 Spiels Doom64 für Windows.

Doom64 EX is a clone of the Nintendo64 game Doom64 for Windows. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

******** Doom64 EX Changelist ********

+ libpng library support added
+ I_ScreenShot: Writes PNG file instead of bitmap
+ External music file support (mp3/ogg etc)
+ Workaround for video cards without the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension
+ W_CacheLumpNum: Avoid changing PU_STATIC data into PU_CACHE, unless its another type of tag
+ Massive update and cleanup for texture system
+ PNG texture support now implemented. GFX system deprecated. Massive cleanup to several rendering files (leftover trash from Doom3D source).
+ Optimized memory allocations on game initialization
+ Optimized fire sky caching
+ Z_Strdupa added
+ Calls to alloca replaced with Z_Alloca
+ Numpad key bindings supported
+ Z_PrintStats now called in D_DeveloperDisplay
+ Updated zone.c from Eternity Engine
+ D_DoAdvanceDemo: Updated order. Legals screen is first, followed by the intro map and then title, followed by credits and demos. Sequence no longer advances to next screen when player is in the options menu (stays at title screen until user idles at the main menu).
+ All screens (credits, legal, demo etc) excluding title screen will jump back to the title screen when player presses a key or click on the mouse.
+ Proper callback for channel finished playing
+ Sound´s tag are no longer modified (always set to PU_STATIC).

+ Networking support added (ported from Chocolate Doom)
+ WadGen utility updated
+ Improved mouse grab
+ Video menu functional
+ Fixed Y offset per console line text. Y values were incorrect based on screen resolution.
+ New chat system
+ Echo effects added
+ Fixed mouse grab bug in windowed mode
+ Removing mouse motion effecting cursor movement in menus
+ Fixed bug with A_SpidRefire where actor continued to attack enemy even while dead.
+ Hooking all cvars to actions config file
+ TU mappings for ceilings corrected (flipped)
+ Mid texture rowoffsets inaccuracies fixed.
+ Improved linetypes 214 and 241
+ Fixed line special 246 (restart macro). Wasn´t properly restarting a macro sequence. (Map13 dart room bug)
+ Mobj gravity/fall speed updated to match disassembly
+ Subsector rendering with the LEAFS lump now supported.
+ SDL_putenv("SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1") added to force centering the window
+ New laser firing code
+ Emulating doom64´s friction/slide calculation
+ forwardmove, sidemove, and angleturn ticcmds updated to accurately match disassembly. Player moves slightly slower and accelerated turning is now a lot more smoother.
+ More line types identified
+ Password system implemented
+ Intermission now displays the password when completing a level
+ Removed the need to check for GL version 1.4
+ Shaders removed
+ Minor optimizations
+ Improved wipe/melting effect
+ Accurate switch line behavior
+ Optimized ceiling/floor culling
+ I_Printf now outputs to game console
+ Console now prints to stdout.txt
+ I_Error now prints to stderr.txt
+ Halved size needed to allocate echo versions of sounds.
+ P_DamageMobj: Thrust calculations updated. Emulation support for non-sliding floating enemies.
+ A_Punch: Damage calculations updated to match disassembly
+ A_Saw: Damage calculations updated to match disassembly
+ Switch behavior updated
+ F_InterDrawText: Text Y position is now centered.
+ AM_Drawer: Updated artifact drawing. More precise to original game.
+ P_UnArchiveMobjs: Fixed crash due to Mobjfunc corruption. Indexes are now restored to properly assign mobjfunc to a mobj.
+ mobj->target and mobj->tracer added to savegames
+ Sky backdrop UV coords tweaked
+ Fixed artifact/laser weapon bug. Laser powerup was affected based on what artifact the player has, not how many artifacts the player has.

+ Ported to OpenGL/SDL
+ Console re-added
+ Shaders added to make up the majority of d64ex´s rendering
+ Proper CON_Printf function added
+ Updating default bindings
+ Console prints out gl information (vendor, renderer, compatible extensions etc).
+ Adjusting scroll tics for floor scrolling (shader)
+ Fixing totalkill++ count when spawning mobjs. (Total Kill intermission bug)
+ Added alpha outline checks to prevent ´sky holes´ from being seen on masked textures and sprites.
+ Strict checks for GLSL support
+ Adjusted automap triangle sizes to a more accurate scale
+ Adjusted player projectile offset to represent the actual n64 behavior.
+ Re-enabled the weapon slot hud (ported from d3d version)
+ Updating random table to match n64´s version
+ Updating damage calculations for Possessed, Shotguy, Bruiser, Imp, Demon and Cacodemon to match that of n64´s version
+ Replacing A_PlayAttack1 with A_PossAttack. Same memory address according to disassembly.
+ Updating chaingun xy jitter randomness to match N64 version
+ Updating recoil view pitch amount as stated from disassembly.
+ Updated Boss behavior and attacks according to disassembly.
+ Updating P_SpawnBlood to match disassembled version
+ Updating A_MissileSetAlpha, A_FadeAlpha, A_SkullSetAlpha, A_PainDie, and A_PainDeathEvent according to disassembly.
+ Updating damage calculations for A_FireLaser as noted from disassembly
+ Updated P_BossExplode to match the explosion randomization algorithm with disassembly.
+ Updated A_CyberDeathEvent and A_RectDeathEvent to match that of disassembly.
+ Projectile system completely redesigned according to disassembly.
+ Imp, Baron/Knight, Mancubus, Cyberdemon, Cacodemon, Baby, and Pain Elemental projectile spawning updated to match disassembly
+ A_Tracer updated to match diassembly
+ F_Finale: Proper alignment for flipped sprites.
+ Trigger command which allows the user to trigger a line special through the console.
+ Replaced the quake/camera shake mechanic to match that of disassembly.
+ Implementing W_Init function that specifically checks for IWAD and setups up global lump variables/functions.
+ New fire sky ported from disassembly.
+ Secondary random table added for M_Random
+ Redesigned mobj alpha fade system to match disassembly
+ T_MobjFadeThinker updated to match disassembly
+ New level setup and wad loading mechanics similar to disassembly
+ Resurrected Z_FreeMemory for future purposes
+ Resurrector boss now plays see sound at full volume
+ Player bots no longer target enemies
+ Aggressive checks for culling out unwanted segs/subsectors from the view frustrum. This applies to closed doors, raised lifts or whenever ceiling height is equal to floor height. Skips check if sky texture is being used.

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