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Post subject: Spectrum: BASin Release 13  PostPosted: Feb 02, 2006 - 06:20 PM
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Joined: Jun 25, 2005
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BASin ist ein Spectrum emulator für Windows.

BASin is a Spectrum emulator for Windows.

Release 13 Notes: (Credits for bugs found/features requested are in ()s)

Added - Updated the "paste code" routines to accept lines broken BASin-style after ":" and "THEN". This allows you to copy/paste code examples from the manual correctly.
Added - Altered the examples in the manual to look more like BASin code.
Added - 128k Snapshot saving - many thanks to BadBeard and Marko for their invaluable help with the conversion from 48k to 128k!
Added - Program compatibility in the Program Information dialog box - now tells you which model (128k or 48k) your program will run under.
Added - The BASin manual (help file) has been updated with all the new information about the 128k features.
Added - All the 128k error reports now function correctly. (Lloyd Garland provided the +2 manual that made the RAM Disk possible!)
Added - 128k RAMDisk commands - LOAD!, SAVE!, MERGE!, VERIFY!, CAT!, ERASE!. Be aware that using the 48k ZX Printer will corrupt your RAMDisk.
Added - 128k RAM page bank switching mechanisms for the RAMDisk routines.
Added - 128k commands PLAY and SPECTRUM to the editor.
Added - 128k ROM now loads with BASin, and is used to execute the PLAY command. The SPECTRUM command does nothing.
Added - Errors now take into account the 128k errors for the PLAY command.
Added - 128k Auto-sensing. If you don´t use the 128k commands (PLAY/SPECTRUM/RAMDisk) then you won´t lose the last two UDGs.
Added - RAMDisk commands to the editor. The ROM won´t use them yet - they cause error C at the moment.

Fixed - Removed a few OCR errors from the manual, and tidied up the links a bit.
Fixed - DEF FN lines were getting their last character (usually a ")" character) removed by the tokeniser. (Zdenek Spicka)
Fixed - The RAMDisk contents would be unavailable after a NEW. Now they are, but not after a reset. (Necros)
Fixed - PRINT statements starting with a bracket had problems with numeric calculations outside the brackets due to an INPUT bug. (Zdenek Spicka)
Fixed - Found the remaining two dead links in the help file (barring the uncompleted Assembler documentation).
Fixed - Removing a selection of lines by highlighting and then deleting would not remove the lines permanently. (Crackfiend)
Fixed - LOAD ""SCREEN$ didn´t display properly (the SCREEN$ wasn´t properly highlighted).
Fixed - 128k Errors were corrupting the RAM Disk when they triggered - SP was being corrupted.
Fixed - Changed from the 128k ROM to the Plus 2 ROM, as the 128k´s error reporting was very broken for RAM Disk errors.
Fixed - Some errors didn´t display properly when notification was turned off.
Fixed - Part of the new 128k compatibility meant that REM and DEF FN behaved incorrectly.
Fixed - REM lines were being incorrectly tokenised.

Release 12b/c/d Notes: (Credits for bugs found/features requested are in ()s)

Added - A Keywords reference section to the BASin help file.

Fixed - A small bug in the Add Code window was forcing the first line to be added to the end of the last line of your program. (Colin Woodcock)
Fixed - A rather nasty bug which could append new lines to old ones. Not nice. (Colin Woodcock)
Fixed - The font folder in the options dialog wasn´t being saved.
Fixed - The syntax helper displayed "X, Y" for the ATTR function, where it should have been "Y, X". (MetalBrain)
Fixed - Using the Renumber window and then entering a new line deleted the whole program! (Mulder)
Fixed - Variables of the form (such as "t1d") were tokenised as numbers rather than as variables. (MetalBrain)
Fixed - Strings with the colon (Smile character in them were displayed somewhat... wrongly. (MetalBrain)

Release 12a Notes: (Credits for bugs found/features requested are in ()s)

Added - The help file (BASin.chm) is now up to date with the current release of BASin, so I´ve removed the .doc file which now contains less than the HTML help.
Added - The ability to choose different editor fonts. These are of course Spectrum style fonts, in .bsc or raw binary file format. 768 Bytes makes a font.
Added - DamienG has kindly supplied a few fonts of his own. Damien has saved them as .SpecCHR, which makes a nice descriptive extension, whilst still maintaining the 768 byte dump format. (DamienG)
Added - Paul Van Der Laan has donated the Clairsys font, along with a few others of his own devising. (Paul Van Der Laan)
Added - Syntax highlighting and a raft load of new "features" to the assembler which, thankfully, the user will never see. It will make future expansion easier though.
Added - Source markers to the BASIC editor. Use the Search->Source Markers menu to use them, or CTRL-SHIFT-Number to set, and CTRL-Number to jump to them. They appear as small green numbers in the gutter of the line they are set on.
Added - Or rather fixed, a quirk of the 128k editor was that of deleting a line char by char, until there was nothing left. BASin inherited this behaviour, and removing it was a pain in the arse. So the new editor code is very experimental - let me know if there´s any problems. It also means that you can delete multiple lines with a select/cut operation. (Arjun Nair)
Added - The ability to create character sets of up to 256 characters in the UDG editor. Obviously, these won´t be used in their entirety by the ROM - but you can use them in machine code programs yourself. Also added the ability to left-click-drag UDGs to copy them to other UDGs, and right-click-drag to exchange them with other UDGs. (DamienG)
Added - Options in the view menu to show or hide the toolbar and the statusbar.

Fixed - A small bug in the REM FAST directive made the CPU window show up every time an INPUT statement was executed. (Karingal)
Fixed - Inserting a line in BASIC and then typing RUN would wipe out the subsequent line - I´d have thought it was pretty obscure, but someone spotted that almost immediately Sad
Fixed - The Assembler reported the number of bytes assembled incorrectly on a successful assemble. (BadBeard)
Fixed - The Assembler reported a successful build even when there were errors in the source which were reported. (BadBeard)
Fixed - Due to a limitation of the windows messaging system, scrollbars only return 16bit values for their scroll positions, which means bad news for any large files in the assembler.
Fixed - Toolbar buttons turning white under Windows XP.
Fixed - Large assembly files (such as Geoff Wearmouth´s ROM assembly) were taking far too long to load, and slowed the assembler down to a crawl. Rewrote the editor - BASin´s assembler is now suitable for any size files you care to try.
Fixed - a Bug in the tape streaming code which didn´t allow you to load any files from a tape unless you specified the wildcard ("") filename. This was an oversight of the old "filenames can be any length" system used to save files to hard disk.
Fixed - CPU Display window now correctly disassembles System Variables, RST 08h and RST 28h instructions and their subsequent data bytes.
Fixed - REM statements with numbers in them had their 5 byte equivalents added in when loading the .bas file. (Geoff Wearmouth)
Fixed - A small bug in the .bas saving routines meant that any numbers stored in the listing with the value of 13 would make the line they occupied truncated, with a zero-numbered line following them. Not very good, that. (Rockersuke Moroboshi)
Fixed - The Import Binary window wouldn´t close (or update the display if necessary) when you loaded a binary file (BadBeard).
Fixed - A bug in the tape window meant that saving tape blocks as .bsc or .bsd files would result in a file one byte too big. (DamienG)
Fixed - A bug in the parser would allow PAPER *7 or INK *7 as valid BASIC when in fact it isn´t.
Fixed - A raft load of bugs in the assembler editor - loading files, mouse operations, saving... they all had problems.
Fixed - Using apostrophes in comments caused the syntax highlighter to screw up in the assembler editor and the BASIC editor. Should be fixed now.
Fixed - The JSW Phantom ATTRS bug was caused by a ROM trap firing for the keyboard when it shouldn´t - not with interrupts disabled, at any rate Smile
Fixed - A small inaccuracy in the BIT opcode´s behaviour. I though this would fix the JetSetWilly phantom ATTRS bug, but no...
Fixed - A stupid bug due to an assumption that $E prefixed 5 byte floating point forms would not be in strings that need tokenising - that´s what tokenising is for, after all... (BadBeard)
Fixed - An issue which, although akin to the 128k editor, was not desirable - when a line (or lines) were deleted entirely, they would come back after pressing Enter. This has almost certainly had knock-on effects elsewhere in the editor, and any bugs will be fixed in due course. (Arjun Nair)
Fixed - A crash that rendered BASin rather "weird" after cancelling a SAVE from the file menu, whilst a program is running. (Fil)
Fixed - The replace window was searching from the wrong position in the text, and not from the current cursor position.
Fixed - Entering graphics mode using Alt-Gr (right-alt) under XP would not register keypresses from "C" or "R".
Fixed - A problem of the Error Report window´s Continue function which would interfere with an INKEY$ function. (Fil).
Fixed - CONTINUE now works again Smile
Fixed - Single stepping from the editor mode (while a program is not running) will start from the last CONTINUE point in the system variables.
Fixed - A crash in the fonts management when no configuration files had yet been created. (Arjun Nair)

Release 12 Notes: (Credits for bugs found/features requested are in ()s)

Added - The Z80 Assembler. Imported from SPIN, the assembly engine is very powerful. The Assembler editor is a custom version of the BASIC editor, suitable for writing small machine code stubs to augment your BASIC programs.
Added - The CPU display window. This window, found in the debugging set, allows you to single step through machine code programs the same way you do in BASIC.
Added - A submenu attached to the right-click editor menu, which when you right click on a string, allows you to format that string to 32 character word wrap. PRINT and INPUT allow you to split the string with "´" marks, other strings (such as LET a$="foo") can only be word wrapped using inserted spaces. (Chop983, a.k.a. Simon Holland)
Added - Line 0 support. This allows you to enter a line numbered zero - acceptable on a real spectrum, but not editable from 48k BASIC. (Andrew Owen, Pgyuri).
Added - A "Program Information" window which gives some memory usage statistics about your program.
Added - Code profiling. This will measure the speed that each statement runs at, and generate a report (found in the Debug windows menu) showing which lines took longest. Profiling can be done on direct commands and program lines.
Added - An option to view the "Spare Memory" between the end of the Calculator Stack and the Machine Stack in the Memory Map window, with a button to clear that memory if you so desire. (Requested by Geoff Wearmouth).
Added - A Volume control to the sound options page.
Added - Colour screen dumps via the Printer window´s COPY button - the button will give you the option of either the regular "no attrs" screen dump, or a full colour screen dump. Both can be sent to the PC printer.
Added - Full PC Printer support. BASin can now send the output of the ZXPrinter, the current BASIC listing, or the current Display to your PC´s printer.
Added - Options to save current printer output between sessions, and also to accelerate the printing speed from the ROM routine.
Added - ZX Printer support via the LPRINT/LLIST/COPY commands, and a window "ZX Printer Output" available from the View menu.
Added - Correct keyboard port decoding for games that employ a machine code routine to read the keyboard from an IN instruction. Unfortunately, this means that a spectrum keyboard simulation needs to be used - CTRL is symbol shift etc. Normal PC keyboard routines still work in the editor and for any ROM keyboard routine.
Added - The ability to attach and automatically set the LOAD traps active when a Tape file is attached. You can attach a tape either from the "Attach Tape Image" menu item, or by choosing a tape image in a file requester. (Dave The Lurker)
Added - Traps in the ROM to stream TZX and TAP data instead of loading from HDD Files. You need to set the traps in the Options (or "Streaming" menu item in the tape creator) and when set, BASin will load or save to your current tape file. All newly SAVEd blocks will be added to the end of the current tape. (Dave The Lurker)
Added - Completely revamped the Tape Creator. Blocks are listed now with an indication of current tape position (for later!), there are far more tape operations you can do. Tape block properties can be edited in a seperate dialog now too. (Dave The Lurker)
Added - TZX/TAP importing into the Tape Creator - you can now add in blocks from other tape files. (Dave The Lurker)
Added - A much needed speed boost to the Memory Map window re-painting, as it was slowing down the emulation when it was open.
Added - Shading to the Memory Map window. Now each pixel, which represents one byte in RAM, is shaded darker the more bits are set in that byte.
Added - The Tape Creator tool can now import ID $10 (ROM) blocks from TZXs and TAP files.
Added - The Memory Viewer now has the ability to write to the memory, so the user can edit the memory directly with this tool. The ROM remains protected, and no edits can be made to addresses < 16384.
Added - More functionality to the Add Code window - when an error occurs, the pasting will stop and the window will reappear with the remaining lines included. Lets you correct any errors and then resume pasting.
Added - The line overwrite protection can now be set to only warn you when you enter a new line that will overwrite an older one, instead of warning when you edit a line.
Added - Colour token keys. Use graphics mode, and F1-F8 (Blue to Black) for ink, Shift+F1-F8 for Paper. In regular non-graphics mode, you can use Shift and F3/F4 for Inverse/True Video, Shift and F5/F6 for Bright on/off, and Shift and F7/F8 for Flash on/off.
Added - Drag and drop support for snapshot files (.sna, .z80).
Added - Extra buttons for adding/deleting/modifying watches and breakpoints in their respective windows.
Added - Extra functionality to the Memory viewer window. You can now specify addresses, find text, jump to addresses pointed to by System variables, and find program lines using the "Line:Statement" construct, ie "10:2".

Fixed - The current directory wasn´t saved with the previous session when BASin exits, which caused "File not found" errors if your program tried to load from a relative path after being restored from the "previous session" entry.
Fixed - Sending lines from the Command history to an empty line in the editor could crash under certain circumstances.
Fixed - Some issues with code selection not updating, and places where the cursor would vanish periodically. Also fixed some breakpoint issues that weren´t likely to arise... But you never know.
Fixed - Syntax helper not updating when the cursor moves off the current line in a vertical direction - it seems to have been one line "behind".
Fixed - Some windows, such as the Tape Creator, should be closed on exit or they just get shoved to the back when you next start BASin.
Fixed - The renumber routine had problems with certain lines when renumbering a range.
Fixed - A bug in the previous bugfix which used a Floor() function where it should have used a Round() function.
Fixed - A bug in floating point conversion meant that very long recurring numbers of very, very small numbers were incorrectly represented in 5 byte form. (Geoff Wearmouth).
Fixed - Moving the cursor right, off the end of a Direct Command line will not cause that line to execute. (Tayanc Molla).
Fixed - A very small problem where if a keyword (such as PRINT) is followed immediately by a quote (") mark, then it will be rendered using syntax highlighting for a non-declared variable rather than for a keyword.
Fixed - The tape window was displaying Character and Number arrays Variable names incorrectly.
Fixed - Two extra bytes were added to converted tape blocks, which caused unloadable files to be added to TZXs.
Fixed - Some small issues with some windows opening non-modally, which allowed the user to screw stuff up. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Made the drop-down list in the System Variables window non-editable. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Disallowed the user to edit variables whilst programs are running - this had the potential for disastrous consequences. Editing while "paused" is fine. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Illegal USR Expressions in various places now come up with an error message if they overwrite their own expressions, such as a USR 0 would. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - FOR Vars couldn´t be edited if you first edited an Array variable (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - That nasty, nasty man Mr Collins did some nasty, nasty things to Direct Commands and the Command History window, and as a result we´ve got a more stable system there.
Fixed - Some expressions (such as USR 1300) can take forever to complete, and logging these expressions in REM statements caused lockups. Introduced a timeout to circumvent this.
Fixed - Gave the Binary Import window a little more security when loading in arbitrary files - they no longer crash BASin if they don´t contain any BASIC code.
Fixed - Multiple entries on the drop-down list in the Memory Viewer, caused by not clearing the list before it´s updated. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Pasting in multiple lines of the same line number would cause a crash of BASin. Now they just warn you as any other line-overwrite operation would. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Pasting in multiple direct commands would crash the emulator - now they´re all executed as a batch. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Added the comma to Error messages as in "0 Ok, 10:1". (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Well, not really a bug. In some cases, a keyword followed by a number was declared as a variable. Eg: FOR F=1TO2, where the TO2 should really have been "TO 2". (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - The utility windows which contain edit fields wouldn´t respond to keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl-v for paste. The main editor window would catch them instead. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Home and End would cause a direct command to execute rather than move the cursor. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Weird errors when the user executes PRINT USR 8 now show as "? Unknown Error 10:0" or somesuch, rather than producing either a badly sized error dialog or a potentially dangerous corrupted error.
Fixed - GO TO Error and Find Line had a small bug which threw an exception when no line numbers existed, but some code has been typed in the editor.
Fixed - a small but significant bug in the "Trace Execution" system that could potentially crash BASin.
Fixed - Long evaluations (or in the case of USR 1300, ones that take forever) no longer corrupt the emulation. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - The Brackets method "Auto Completion" did not take the parameters of DEF FN statements into account (though FN was fine). Now BASin will insert the closing bracket before the "=" in a DEF FN statement. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - Lines entered into a .bas file using a text editor could be "doubled up" by adding a "" to a line with a proper numbered line following it. (Paul E Collins).
Fixed - The mysterious disappearing cursor! Well, the editor window just didn´t scroll far enough...
Fixed - the Parser would allow DIM to be used with a numeric variable whose name is more than one letter. (Lee Tonks)
Fixed - The Renumber tool when used as a block renumber could produce duplicate lines. (lee Tonks)
Fixed - In some circumstances, BASin would not enable the "Go to Error" option in the Search menu.
Fixed - An exception warning about disabled or invisible windows which got thrown when requesting a Watch´s properties.
Fixed - Lines that are overwritten using the overwrite protection could end up nowhere near the original line.
Fixed - Windows that were opened before the editor opened at startup remained blank while the editor starts up - sorted now.
Fixed - A major speed up in the line storing method, which was getting too slow on large programs.
Fixed - INPUT allows a bracketed (but not nestable) sequence of PRINT items for constructing evaluated prompts, and BASin´s parser didn´t allow for this (Geoff Wearmouth).
Fixed - Embedded Colour codes followed by non-alphanumeric characters would group together and corrupt the sequence of characters (Allen Doe)..

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