Die kürzlich veröffentliche Version 2.0.0 des Atari Jaguar Emulators Virtual Jaguar hat ein kleines Update erfahren.
The Atari Jaguar emulator Virtual Jaguar has been updated with some minor changes.
Zitat: Virtual Jaguar 2.0.1 is released. Since it’s a point release, you can expect the changes to be minor, and indeed, they are.
- Fixed NTSC timings; they were hardwired to PAL rates. [Shamus]
- Fixed possible missing trailing slash on path fields input by user. [Shamus]
- Fixed exit hotkey to work on Win32. [Shamus]
- Changed PAL/NTSC switch to only work when virtual machine is powered off. [Shamus]
- Miscellaneous documentation fixes. [Shamus]
Related links:
[ Atari Jaguar Emus ][ Jaguar Infos ]