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Autor Nachricht
Titel: PCEngine: Ootake v0.92  BeitragVerfasst am: 12.01.2007, 09:36 Uhr
Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.303

Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline

Ootake, ein auf PC2E basierender SuperGrafx, TurboGrafx 16 (CD), PC Engine (CD) Emulator, wurde aktualisiert.
Danke an 1Emulation.com für die News.

Ootake, a SuperGrafx, TurboGrafx 16 (CD), PC Engine (CD) emulator based on PC2E has been updated.
Thanks to 1Emulation.com for the news.

2007/01/12 0.92 released
- By "Speed" menu, the progress speed (Video Speed) of the game can be
adjusted. Use it when you want to play RPG that walking is slow, and the
action game with high difficulty, or more. * The music of a built-in sound
source might become fast according to the game, too. If CPU power of your
personal computer is insufficient, it slows oppositely. (It lightens
comparatively when setting to "FullScreen"&"TV Mode".)
- In the final stage beginning part of "Akumajou Dracula X", the problem
that the screen had regularly done the flash (generated from v0.8Cool was
corrected. I think the operation timing of other game has approached a
real machine, too.
- In "Madou King Granzort", the trouble to which the screen was not
correctly displayed (generated by v0.91) was corrected.
- The sound processing part was sped up a little.
- When "TV Mode" of "Setting"->"Screen" menu was set, the bug in which the
setting had not been reflected when being start next time was corrected.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

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