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TopicReplies  Views  Poster  Date  Time
goto Post Steam / Epic / etc.: Angebote und Aktionen 320  368.697  Juttar  06. Feb 17:33
goto Post Arcade: MAME v0.274 1  658  retroK  05. Feb 08:41
goto Post Schriftgröße 3  387  krysmopompas  29. Jan 17:48
goto Post Atari Jaguar: BigPEmu 1.17 13  2.123  Juttar  28. Jan 18:35
goto Post N64: gopher64 0.1.23 3  1.260  Juttar  28. Jan 15:17
goto Post Erwähnenswerte Neuerungen bei Dolphin & ... 92  213.712  Juttar  26. Jan 23:12
goto Post Arcade: Lindbergh Loader Build v127 2  952  retroK  26. Jan 15:24
goto Post Chat von AEP wird mir nicht angezeigt 14  20.207  retroK  25. Jan 13:03
goto Post PS1: Duckstation 2025.01.17 rolling release 6  742  Juttar  21. Jan 12:49
goto Post Translations: Shining Force 3 Translation Pro... 3  1.716  Q-Marine  18. Jan 20:06
goto Post N64: gopher64 0.1.19 2  749  pYRo  17. Jan 22:57
goto Post Wie alt seid ihr so? 116  187.466  atemschutzbaer  15. Jan 14:38

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Titel: ares v141  BeitragVerfasst am: 18.11.2024, 10:13 Uhr
Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.789

Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline

Eine neue Version von ares ist erschienen. ares ist das Nachfolgeprojekt von higan / bsnes, ares ist ein Multi System Emulator (zahlreiche Nintendo, Sega, SNK, Wonderswan u.a. Systeme).

A new version of ares has been released.  ares is the successor of bsnes / higan, a multi-system emulator (Nintendo, Sega, SNK, Wonderswan and others).

SystemsNintendo - SNES / Super Famicom
  • Fix detection of the Sufami Turbo base cartridge (Avoiding serial conflict with Sailor Moon SuperS - Fuwafuwa Panic).
  • Fix PowerFest '94 and Campus Challenge '92.
  • Add support for games with 256KB of SRAM (Notably used in rom hacks, but these hacks also work on real hardware).
  • Add support for the NTT Data Keypad
  • Fix SA-1 DMA to BWRAM banks 0x41 and above.
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance
  • Improve stop mode emulation, ensuring it only exits once the requested input is registered.
  • Improve interrupt timings (latch IE and IF for 1 cycle).
  • Add latches to DISPCNT background enable, object enable and force blank; these now correctly take effect after 3 scanlines.
  • Improve SIO register handling.
  • Fix an off-by-one error with BG mosaic handling.
  • Fix an oversight in OBJ mosaic at x=0. Improve OBJ timing: OBJs are now correctly rendered one scanline in advance, and OBJ PRAM access timings are closer to hardware.
  • Add a 2-cycle synchronizer and improve halted CPU timings
  • Selectively synchronize CPU and APU, allowing for the removal of the compile time 'PERFORMANCE' profile. (Greater accuracy in Release builds with no performance downsides).
  • Small improvements to PPU timing.
  • Added support for the Pixel Accuracy toggle; significant performance increase when pixel accuracy is disabled.
Nintendo - Nintendo 64
  • Remove the 'devertualizeFast' performance optimisation from code block lookups: this was proven to compromise correctness/accuracy.
  • Refactor devirtualize to return additional context for memory access, reducing code duplication in-memory operations.
  • Use JIT only when running code from i-cache.
  • Add support for 40 Winks (Aftermarket).
  • Add support for Xeno Crisis (World) (Aftermarket)
  • Allow for Pak swapping on Controller Port 1 (You can now change between Controller Pak/Transfer Pak/Rumble Pack at runtime).
  • Fix instruction trace debugging when using the recompiler.
  • Add support for multi-byte writes to the GDB debugger.
  • Use different GDB signals for the various exception types.
  • Allow arbitrary and possibly unaligned writes to RDRAM through GDB.
  • Add unusual warning when software uses CACHE on uncached addresses
  • Refactor JIT to remove an extra function call (instructionEpilogue) per instruction.
Sega - Mega Drive / Genesis / 32X / CD
  • Synchronize components more regularly when emulating 32X; this fixes a regression that caused 'Knuckles Chaotix' to be broken in ares v140.
  • Add an option to enable the TMSS "Produced by or under license from..." screen.
  • Stage resources into the output directory on Linux; allowing running self-compiled builds without running 'make install' first.
  • Address some possible uses of uninitialized variables.
  • Enable the use of loading higan-style rom folders when using the command line
  • Update librashader integration for librashader ABI 2
MacOS fixes
  • Display errors from the shader loader in metal, easing debugging of librashader.
  • Add bounds checking for table view context menus; fixes a crash when right-clicking beyond the bounds of defined rows in a table.
  • Fix an issue where librashader did not function on macOS versions lower than 12 (Monterey) when compiled by CI

Danke an NGC_7088 für den Hinweis im Forum.
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