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TopicReplies  Views  Poster  Date  Time
goto Post Steam / Epic / etc.: Angebote und Aktionen 320  368.646  Juttar  06. Feb 17:33
goto Post Arcade: MAME v0.274 1  657  retroK  05. Feb 08:41
goto Post Schriftgröße 3  387  krysmopompas  29. Jan 17:48
goto Post Atari Jaguar: BigPEmu 1.17 13  2.123  Juttar  28. Jan 18:35
goto Post N64: gopher64 0.1.23 3  1.260  Juttar  28. Jan 15:17
goto Post Erwähnenswerte Neuerungen bei Dolphin & ... 92  213.712  Juttar  26. Jan 23:12
goto Post Arcade: Lindbergh Loader Build v127 2  952  retroK  26. Jan 15:24
goto Post Chat von AEP wird mir nicht angezeigt 14  20.207  retroK  25. Jan 13:03
goto Post PS1: Duckstation 2025.01.17 rolling release 6  742  Juttar  21. Jan 12:49
goto Post Translations: Shining Force 3 Translation Pro... 3  1.716  Q-Marine  18. Jan 20:06
goto Post N64: gopher64 0.1.19 2  749  pYRo  17. Jan 22:57
goto Post Wie alt seid ihr so? 116  187.466  atemschutzbaer  15. Jan 14:38

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Autor Nachricht
Titel: Jazz Resurrection 2.9.0  BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 13:38 Uhr
Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.789

Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline

Jazz² Resurrection ist eine quelloffene Reimplementierung von Jazz Jackrabbit 2.

Jazz² Resurrection is an open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.

  • Added Allow Cheats and Overwrite Episode Completion (Always / No Cheats Only / Higher Score Only) to Gameplay options
  • Added jjmorph cheat
  • Added shield timer to HUD
  • Increased number of usable gamepads to 6
  • Increased Lori's jump distance (if Reforged Gameplay is enabled)
  • Improved rendering of player shields and some visual effects
  • Adjusted gamepad rumble
  • Updated translations
  • Reworked Linux ARM64 cross-compilation (on GitHub Actions)
  • Fixed Can't destroy PowerUps with some weapons (Bouncer, Toaster, ...)
  • Fixed Madder Hatter projectile shouldn't be affected by gravity (if Reforged Gameplay is disabled)
  • Fixed Upgraded Bouncer does 1 damage instead of 2
  • Fixed Monkeys can't aim, they just throw bananas at the same curve
  • Fixed Sparks are always looking the same direction, and chase player constantly in their range
  • Fixed 2D Spike Balls are indestructible and can't be frozen (applies also to all moving platform types)
  • Fixed Carrots (+1 HP) don't give short invincibility
  • Fixed Destructable blocks don't give score on destruction
  • Fixed Player shields can kill enemies if player touch them, but it shouldn't
  • Fixed Player can't kill frozen enemies when running into them
  • Fixed Spaz' sidekick only kills one enemy at a time
  • Fixed SugarRush is not immune to hurt events
  • Fixed When player buttstomp a turtle shell, can't move until it bounce back up then fall down
  • Fixed RF missiles
  • Fixed input in GLFW backend
  • Fixed extra gamepad buttons (share button, touchpad, mic mute)
  • Fixed Menu/Back binding for 2nd player
  • Fixed gamepad detection
  • Fixed major crash on Switch

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