The Force Engine ist ein Port der Jedi Engine (Spiele wie u.a. Dark Forces) für Windows.
The Force Engine is is a port of the original Jedi Engine (Dark Forces, etc...) to Windows with some enhancements.
Quote: Another small release that fixes some issues and releases another iteration of the editor (still early WIP). - Editor
- Fixed a crash when returning from the Editor the menu, and then selecting editor again.
- Escape now exits the editor, unless a modal dialog is active in which case it closes that dialog instead.
- Levels and 3DOs are listed in the Asset Browser, but functionality is somewhat limited.
- Added multi-select.
- Added the ability to force selected assets to use an alternate palette for testing.
- Added export selected - allowing for assets to be exported and PNGs to be generated where appropriate for viewing.
- Added central error handling and modal message box functionality for errors/warnings.
- General
- Linux: Make RtMidi optional - this allows for OPL 3 and SF 2 synth but disables system midi (@mlauss2).
- This should make it easier to compile in some cases.
- Replace DeviL with SDL Image to make future Linux packages easier (@mlauss2 / @luciusDXL).
- Small PNG issues fixed (@mlauss2).
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[ Weitere Remakes und VMs ]