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goto Post Steam / Epic / etc.: Angebote und Aktionen 323  518.902  Juttar  13. Feb 22:41
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goto Post Atari Jaguar: BigPEmu 1.17 13  2.206  Juttar  28. Jan 18:35
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goto Post Erwähnenswerte Neuerungen bei Dolphin & ... 92  214.110  Juttar  26. Jan 23:12
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Autor Nachricht
Titel: vAmiga v3.0b1  BeitragVerfasst am: 16.09.2024, 09:07 Uhr
Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.836

Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline

vAmiga ist ein Amiga Emulator von Dirk W. Hoffmann für Mac OS.

vAmiga is a Commodore Amiga emulator for Mac OS from Dirk W. Hoffmann.

I’m proud to announce that vAmiga is now available as version 3.0! This update introduces run-ahead support (#836), a functionality that had recently been integrated into VirtualC64.When run-ahead is enabled, two emulator instances run side by side: the primary instance and the run-ahead instance. The primary instance emulates the Amiga as usual, while the run-ahead instance runs several frames ahead and generates the image texture. Both emulator instances stay in sync with a time delay, and any changes in the primary instance, e.g., triggered by a joystick event, forces the run-ahead instance to be recreated. Run-ahead mode is meant for gaming as it considerably decreases the lag between an external event, e.g., a gamepad or keyboard event, and its recognition inside the emulator.Accommodating this feature required significant changes to vAmiga’s architecture, resulting in a major update to the codebase. While these improvements have streamlined the internal workings of the emulator, they’ve also introduced some bugs - an expected outcome with such a substantial change.As vAmiga 3.0 is currently in beta, your feedback is crucial to help me refine and stabilize the software.
  • Other enhancements:
    • Snapshot compression (#840)
    • Loading and saving memory contents (#823)
    • Improved Headless app (#839)
    • RetroShell as as serial port device (#820)
    • Beamtrap debug feature (#817)
    • RetroShell commands via the command line (-"<Command>")
  • Bug fixed:
    • Fixed a crash when saving a machine state (#833)
    • Fixed a bug in the CIA sleep logic (#819)

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