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Autor Nachricht
Titel: NooDS Rolling Release  BeitragVerfasst am: 15.09.2024, 11:26 Uhr
Site Admin

Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.444

Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline

NooDS ist ein Nintendo DS Emulator für verschiedene Systene wie Windows, Linux, macOS und Android.

NooDS is a Nintendo DS emulator for various systeme, e.g. Windows, Linux, macOS or Android.

NooDS should be able to run most things without additional setups. DS BIOS and firmware files must be provided to boot from the DS menu, which can be dumped from a DS with DSBF Dumper. The firmware must be dumped from an original DS; DSi and 3DS dumps don't have any boot code.A GBA BIOS file must be provided to run GBA games, which can be dumped from many systems with this dumper.The BIOS and firmware file paths can be set in the settings. Although not always accurate, save types are automatically detected. Manual alteration of the save type is needed if you load a new game and saving does not work.

Related links:
[ Nintendo DS Emulatoren ][ Nintendo DS Infos ]

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