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Review of the moment
Commodore C64 I und II
(293 total words in this text) (25,785 Reads) 
Commodore 64 | Technische Daten |

Hersteller | Commodore |
Prozessor | Mos 6510 - 0.985 MHz (PAL) / 1.023 MHz (NTSC) |
Farben | 16 |
Sound | Sid Chip (3 channels) |
Ram, Rom | Ram 64k - Rom 20k |
Os | basic |
Speicher | 174kb 5.25 oder Cassette |
Datum | 1982 |
Verkaufte Geräte: | ca. 22 Millionen |
Anzahl Spiele: | ca. 2.000 |
Related links:
 Bubble Bobble |
 Defender of the Crown |
 The Great Giana Sisters |
 International Karate+ |
 The Last Ninja |
 Maniac Mansion |
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