MS-DOS Player for Win32-x64 console
----- What´s this
This is MS-DOS emulator running on Win32-x64 command prompt.
16bit MS-DOS compatible commands can be exexuted on Win32-x64 envrionment.
----- How to use
Start command prompt and run this emulator with target command file
and any options.
For example compile sample.c with LSI C-86 and execute compiled binary:
> msdos lcc sample.c
> msdos sample
The emulator can access host´s file path and envrionments directly.
Only CPU (8086), 1MB memory and MS-DOS system calls are emulated,
PC-98 or other hardwares are not emulated like
----- Supported system calls
INT20HProgram Terminate
INT21H00HProgram Terminate
01HKeyboard Input
02HConsole Output
03H(Auxiliary Input)
04H(Auxiliary Output)
05H(Printer Output)
06HDirect Console I/O
07HDirect Console Input
08HConsole Input without Echo
09HPrint String
0AHBuffered Keyboard Input
0BHCheck Console Status
0CHCharacter Input with Buffer Flush
0DHDisk Reset
0EHSelect Disk
19HCurrent Disk
1AHSet Disk Transfer Address
25HSet Vector
29HParse File Name
2AHGet Date
2BHSet Date
2CHGet Time
2DHSet Time
2EHSet/Reset Verify Switch
2FHGet Disk Transfer Address
30HGet Version Number
31HKeep Process
3300HGet Ctrl-Break
3301HSet Ctrl-Break
3305HGet Boot Drive
3306HGet MS-DOS Version
35HGet Vector
36HGet Disk Free Space
3700HSet Switch Character
39HCreate Subdirectory
3AHRemove Subdirectory
3BHChange Current Directory
3CHCreate File
3DHOpen File Handle
3EHClose File Handle
3FHRead from File or Device
40HWrite to File or Device
41HErase File from Directory
42HMove File Read/Write Pointer
4300HGet File Attribute
4301HSet File Attribute
4400HGet Device Information
4401HSet Device Information
4406HGet Input Status
4407HGet Output Status
4408HDevice Removable Query
4409HDevice Local or Remote Query
45HDuplicate File Handle
46HForce Duplicate of Handle
47HGet Current Directory
48HAllocate Memory
49HFree Allocated Memory
4AHModify Allocated Memory Blocks
4B00HLoad and Execute Program
4CHTerminate Process
4DHGet Subprocess Return Code
4EHFind First Matching File
4FHFind Next Matching File
54HGet Verify State
56HRename File
5700HGet Time and Date Stamps
5701HSet Time and Date Stamps
5AHCreate Unique File
5BHCreate New File
62HGet Program Segment Prefix Address
6520HCharacter Capitalization
6521HString Capitalization
6522HASCIIZ Capitalization
INT23HCtrl-Break Address
INT24HCritical Error Handler
INT29HDOS Fast Character I/O
TAKEDA, toshiya