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Dapple2 v0.22
Posted on: 15.02.2003, 15:25 Uhr von Chaos

Apple I/II German
Dapple2 hat mittlerweile diverse Updates bekommen. Ich fasse zusammen, was sich in den letzten Tagen getahn hat.

Es hat natürlich eine Menge kleinerer Bugfixes gegeben, die ohne technisches Verständis zur Hardware und der Programmiersprache schwer zu verstehen sind. Aber es haben sich auch praktikable Dinge getahn: So funktioniert jetzt wieder die Joystick Emulation per PC Joystick und der Emulator ist jetzt in zwei Varianten verfügbar. Einer standard 128k Version und einer mit Support für die 3MB RAM Works Card. Außerdem gab es diverse Kosmetische Tweaks.

Und hier noch der Auszug aus der Changelog zum Emulator:

Changes from 0.21 to 0.22
* Altered the ROM loading routines to support the original (16K) version
of the //c. Name it "apple2co.rom" if you have it.
* Restored the emulation of the joystick buttons by the PC joystick.
Different code this time, which should not be activated if the keyboard
is used to emulate the joystick.
* BUGFIX: Made the printer a binary file stream (so, for example, ^L is
not interpreted as ^M^L).
* BUGFIX: I misinterpreted the meaning of _go32_want_ctrl_break() - it
meant whether I want Ctrl-Break for myself, not for the DOS extender.
Ctrl-Break no longer exits the program. In the future, Reset could be
moved to Ctrl-Break?
* Added //c 40/80 switch .
* Added two variants of the $DEADBEEF memory fill (see the Jargon File at
http://catb.org/jargon for details). ;)
* BUGFIX: Upon clearing the memory, the RAM Works is reset to bank 0.
* New utility NEWER.COM is used to provide a Make utility - since I (The
Usotsuki) don't know how to write a makefile, I've done the next best
thing. Note: It builds with Turbo C, not gcc. (Better; gcc apps take
more time to launch than tcc apps.)
* Added a 00 01 02 03... memory fill pattern, which was in ini.c but not

Changes from 0.20 to 0.21
* BUGFIX: my replacement of hex8tostringf() was incorrect. PEBKAC run
wild. (-uso.)
* Fixed bugs where certain flags were changed when they should not be.
* Added foreign character support and Mousetext.
* Added option to blur text in graphics modes (like ApplePC and SimSystem
IIe, and as on the real machine). Also added more realistic blurry
graphics mode.
* BUGFIX (Font): Mousetext character for Z was one pixel too far right; so
it was not being drawn.
* Cosmetic tweaks.

Changes from 0.10 to 0.20
* The patch for 0.20 applies over 0.10. Your results on 0.10RW may vary.
* There are now two binaries: "dapple2.exe" is the standard 128K version
and "dapple2r.exe" emulates a 3MB RAM Works card.
* Some cosmetic tweaks and small optimizations.
* Quick store/restore Apple ][ state with a single keystroke.
* On exit/eject, if the disk image has been changed, you will be prompted
to save or discard the changes. This is experimental, since disks are
stored in Nibble-6656 format internally (as opposed to the actual image

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meistgelesener Beitrag in Apple I/II:
Dapple EmuII 0.40

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