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M.E.S.S. v0.61.2
Posted on: 13.11.2002, 01:56 Uhr von Chaos

Diverse Systeme German
Von M.E.S.S. ist Version 0.61.2 erschienen. Es gibt diesmal
eine ganze Reihe von kleineren Änderungen. Die Liste dieser
findet Ihr im erw. Text. Den aktuellen Download gibt es auf
der Hompage. Sobald ich wieder dateien hochladen kann,
findet Ihr ihn auch bei uns.

- [SNES] Fixed background scrolling. Added 16x16 tile mode. Improved Mode 21
SRAM support. [Anthony Kruize]

- [GAMEBOY] Finally fixed sound channel 3 so it produces correct frequencies!
Flagged sound as being stereo. Improved input ports. Fixed loud buzz caused
by the new sound code when digital audio is used. (bug #275) [Anthony Kruize]

- [SUPERGB] Fixed certain areas of the border image being left blank instead of
being filled in. (bug #264) [Anthony Kruize]

- [COCO3] Fixed a bug that caused a few display glitches when switching between
40 column and 80 column mode. (bug #271) [Nate Woods]

- [Z88] Video updates. [Kev Thacker]

Source Changes:
- Updated all drivers device declarations to new system and removed old dev
array. [Nate Woods]

- New options.disable_normal_ui and osd_trying_to_quit() functions created, to
support the new Win32 UI. [Nate Woods]

- Added the ability for drivers to support drawing to the UI in a standard way;
which helped fix a problem where the tape graphic was lost in MESS 0.61. (bug
#270) [Nate Woods]

- [Win32] New user interface replaces old UI; this is on by default but can be
disabled with the -nonewui command switch. This new UI uses Windows native
menus and should be much easier to use. [Nate Woods]

- [Win32] Help file entries for each system now list the directory name
expected by MESS. [Nate Woods]

- [Win32 GUI] Fixed an incredibly MORONIC bug where RAM preferences were stored
as booleans (!?!) rather than integers (bug #260) [Nate Woods]

- [Win32 GUI] Fixed a bug where certain elements in the treeview lost their
first character (bug #262) [Nate Woods]

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